Creating a Great Boy's Nursery

It's time to decorate your nursery for your baby boy. Whether your baby is still on the way, or bundled in a bassinet waiting for his great new room, you'll have great options for creating his nursery. There are many themes that you can use for decorating a boy's nursery, and great fun that you can have doing so. Explore these ideas and get ready to transform a bedroom into an oasis for your son.

Check out our article on painting a nursery for some great painting tips.

Colors to Consider

While many people enjoy decorating a nursery with a theme, others prefer to use colors for their decorations. Selecting specific colors, and using them correctly, may increase the length of this décor. While a four year old may want to get rid of his dinosaur or teddy bear themed room, he may be alright with leaving playful colors up for longer. You can select one color that you love for the room and work the crib sheets, throw rug and other items into that color scheme. Conversely, you might decide to select your crib bedding first and then pull out one or two of the colors from it to paint the room. Carry the color scheme through the room with the furniture, pictures, growth charts, and other items.

Themes to Grow With

If you have your heart set on using a theme, there are many ways to go about selecting one. Many stores have their displays already set up by theme. Go to a large baby furniture store to get ideas. You may be able to walk out of the store with your entire theme provided for you. To incorporate your theme of choice into the design, consider the baby bedding, window treatments, furniture colors, area rugs, wall hangings, night lights, toy boxes, diaper containers, and more. The possibilities are endless for incorporating your theme into the décor scheme.

Theme Ideas

Here are just a few theme ideas to help you to consider your options when decorating a boy's nursery. Transportation is a great theme that could include planes, trains, cars, boats and other vehicles. Sports also always work well with children. You can either select one sport to focus upon or use a sports idea and incorporate a number of sports into the décor. This is one theme that your child could, potentially, grow with and enjoy later as well. Western, astronaut and explorer are all great theme ideas. Animals are fun and can easily be incorporated into the room through stuffed animals, pictures and paintings.

Things to Avoid

While there might be certain popular t.v. shows or characters when your child is born, it's probably best to avoid these as themes. Something that is interesting to you right now could easily be out of style within six months to a year, and then you'll have an out-of-date theme. Try to stick to more universal themes that can be enjoyed, no matter what the television is showing at the moment.

Have fun while decorating your son's room with a theme and think of creative ways to display this idea. Whether you buy expensive items or make them yourself, you'll find great ways to spread the theme throughout the room and to create a warm and cute environment for your little one.